We can't do it without you!
The Dawson Creek Triathlon is put on by a volunteer committee:
we need the following Leaders in July 2024.
The Dawson Creek Triathlon is put on by a volunteer committee:
we need the following Leaders in July 2024.
Race Director: Jamie Maxwell
The Race Director will coordinate with TriBC, City of Dawson Creek, Traffic Control/Highways Dept, Registration Provider, Emergency Response, Website editing and Zone4 timing system. Responsible (apparently) for all athletes lost on course and all signs that blow down.
Timing System Coordinator: Jamie Maxwell
DC Triathlon has been using a DIY chip timing system from Zone4.ca that has provided instant data for all three legs and both transitions. Training will be provided by the Race Director.
The Timing Coordinator will:
- Program when groups of athletes start in the pool
- Place timing loops, and Zone4 cellphones around Transition and the Finish Line
- Start the timing system for each swim heat.
- Monitor the race with the Zone 4 Online Tech application for:
- timing chips that may not have been detected
- confirm the Did Not Start and Did Not Finish athletes
- . Produce records for awards ceremony and web posting.
Volunteer Coordinator: Joyce Benson
The volunteer coordinator is needed in the months before race day to accept volunteers and assign volunteer roles. On race day morning the volunteer coordinator checks in volunteers, distributes assignments, maps and required equipment.
Marketing/Social Media: Executive Member needed
The Dawson Creek Triathlon has benefited from planned marketing and regular social media posts on FB and Instagram.
KOS Director: Eric Wolf
The KOS Director will be responsible for orientation of KOS athletes, the swim start, preparing and positioning volunteers who guide athletes and monitoring the athletes correct direction of travel.
Swim Director: Deb Wolf
The swim director will be responsible for organizing the swim section of the triathlon, including overseeing the swimmers, swim volunteers, and set-up/clean-up on deck.
Cycle Director: Richard Bouvier
The cycle director will be responsible for organizing the adult cycling section of the triathlon, including overseeing the cyclists, cycle course volunteers, and course set-up/clean-up.
Run Course Director: Dave Meise
The run course director supervises the placement of signs and volunteers to guide adult runners. The adult and KOS run course is the essentially the same course except KOS do not run 5K and the age 4-5 group runs 250m etc.
Transition Director: Anthony Da Castro
The transition director supervises setup of transition, the placement of volunteers and generally makes Transition an "Athletes Only" safe place to switch between the swim, cycle and run. Transition volunteers man the Mount/Dismount lines to ensure athletes are walking in and out of Transition.
Announcer/DJ/Motivator: Zach Maxwell
The announcer provides information about racers to the spectators, spins motivating tunes and celebrates all achievements. The announcer is a central part of the day. We do need a PA system as we do not have one.
Registration and Finish Line: Needed
Registration staff check in athletes the day before and in the morning, giving out timing chips, and the registration package. Finish Line staff collect timing chips and hand out finisher medals to KOS athletes. They also assist the Announcer to announce finishing athletes.
General Volunteers on Race Day:
We can use at least 25 more volunteers on race day.
Setup Sunday 6:30 AM includes finish sweep transition area, setup transition barricades and bike racks, finish line and equipment, shelters and tables, and direction signs and barrier on the course
Swim Marshalling 1-2 volunteers
Pool Lap counters 8 volunteers
Transition Area 4 volunteers
Adult cycle course 4 volunteers
Adult run course 4 volunteers
KOS cycle course 3 volunteers
KOS run course 3 volunteers
Barricade/Road closure 3 volunteers
When you stop in on race day morning there will be a clipboard with your duties, maps, equipment needed and other details.